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Don't tinkle on Texas.An El Paso man faces up to 18 months behind bars after pleading guilty to urinating on the Alamo, the crucible of the legendary 1836 battle in San Antonio between the Mexican Army and Texas settlers fighting for independence.

Pacific castaway Jose Salvador Alvarenga's family beamed with joy after hearing that he had survived for more than a year in an unforgiving sea, drifting 6,000 miles from a Mexican fishing village to a remote Marshall Islands atoll.

Vice President Joe Biden certainly has a way with words, sometimes lots of them. But today the loquacious veep boiled down the truth about the best way to build the middle class and spark the economy to less than 140 characters. Take a look after the jump.

One thief, posing as a delivery man, pulled a can of bear mace on employees and ransacked their marijuana shop, fleeing in a defensive cloud of “ultra-pepper” spray. Another opened the wall of a dispensary with an ax and attacked the store’s safe with a circular saw.

Justin Bieber and his father were “extremely abusive” to a flight attendant as their private jet flew from Canada to New Jersey on Friday, forcing her to take refuge in the cockpit, according to an official report obtained exclusively by NBC News.

Officials are renaming the Washington Navy Yard building where a gunman fatally shot 12 people in September before he was killed by police.Navy Vice Adm.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) today issued a proposed rule that would alleviate the delays, inefficiencies, abuse of process and unnecessary litigation that plague the current system for workers who want to vote on whether to have a union. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said: