Feed items

Congress to students: Celebrate the 4th! Student loan rates just doubled!The June 30 deadline for action by Congress came and went. In a shocker, Republicans obstructed efforts to keep student loan rates from doubling. Now is the time to call your senators and representatives and raise a ruckus. Republicans insist that the country make a profit off of the students, but how does it help a country and an economy to make it so expensive to get a higher education?

In 1934, there were more than 1,800 strikes involving more than 1.4 million workers. General strikes followed walkouts by dock workers in San Francisco, truckers in Minneapolis and auto parts workers in Toledo.In reaction, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic-controlled Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act in 1935.  A key piece of this new labor policy: a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with clear, strong enforcement powers.

This week, leading up to July 4th, we're highlighting American products and services. What are your favorite Made in America products? Beer is as American as apple pie and baseball, and fortunately, there is a wide selection of American, union-made beers to choose from.For a lengthy list of union-made beers, visit the Union Plus website or Labor 411's Ultimate Union Beer List.

Firefighters battling the Arizona blaze that killed 19 elite colleagues faced a tough task on Tuesday amid an excessive heat warning issued by the National Weather Service.

Firefighters battling the Arizona blaze that killed 19 elite colleagues faced a tough task on Tuesday amid an excessive heat warning issued by the National Weather Service.

Professed NSA leaker Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in Russia, but President Vladimir Putin says he can stay only if he stops "damaging our American partners.

The jury in the George Zimmerman trial heard his first accounts given to investigators of the deadly confrontation with Trayvon Martin when tapes of police interrogations were played in court Monday.

The 19 firefighters killed in Arizona on Sunday were mostly young men, with ages ranging from 21 to 43.