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A new report from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) concludes that the United States faces a staggering retirement savings deficit. America's families are between $6.8 trillion and $14 trillion short of recommended retirement savings targets, it says, according to financial services firms. The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think? finds the typical American family has only a few thousand dollars saved for retirement. Some 80% of working families have retirement savings totaling less than their annual income.
The Taliban is willing to swap the only known American prisoner of war from the conflict in Afghanistan for five senior operatives being held at Guantanamo Bay, the Associated Press reported Thursday.The offer to exchange U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for the Afghan detainees came as plans for peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government made progress.Here is what is known about the f...
Guess who’s calling for a $15-an-hour minimum wage? A self-proclaimed capitalist.Entrepreneur and venture capitalist Nick Hanauer made our case for a minimum wage increase yesterday in Bloomberg.“The fundamental law of capitalism,” he says, “is that if workers have no money, businesses have no customers.”
10) If you’re not getting paid what you deserve. Whether you see money disappearing from your paycheck or you’ve just never gotten a raise, that’s a problem that you don’t just have to accept.Read the rest of the reasons after the jump. Ten Good Reasons You Should Use FixMyJob.com originally appeared on Working America's Main Street blog.
A body found about one mile from the home of New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has been ruled a homicide, prosecutors said.The body of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd was found about one mile from the home of the New England Patriots tight end in an undeveloped area, Bristol District Attorney Samuel Sutter’s office said.Hernandez, who signed a five-year contract with the Patriots a year ago, h...
The immigration reform bill being debated now in the U.S. Senate, which would provide a road map to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans, includes protections for foreign students who come to this country under a “summer-work travel” program.But a USA Today story says au pair agencies, amusement parks, summer camp operators, hotels and others who count on this “cultural exchange” program for summer labor are lobbying to kill them.
Earlier this year, Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1245 in Vacaville, Calif., published First Day, a 20-page comic book detailing the history of Local 1245 and the labor movement, which is distributed to all new members. And so far, it is a big hit.“It is the first thing people turn to when they get their orientation packets,” says Eric Wolfe, communications director at Local 1245.Wolfe worked with artist Tom Christopher to put the comic book together, based on a history Wolfe did of the local.