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Thousands of teachers, parents and allies rallied in Albany, N.Y., on Saturday in opposition to the use of high stakes standardized tests that are being put in place before the state and teachers have time to fully implement the new curriculum to support those tests.  More than 225 buses filled with people showed up to the rally, which was sponsored by New York State United Teachers, the New York State AFL-CIO, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Citizen Action, New York Immigration Coalition and New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness.

When the Susan G. Komen Foundation announced last week that it was canceling half of its 3-Day races next year, the charity blamed the economy. But it also acknowledged that its decision to stop providing funds to Planned Parenthood was a factor. In early 2012, Komen announced it was pulling its grants for breast-cancer screenings from Planned Parenthood, drawing an immediate backlash from Komen s...    

A former CIA employee who identified himself as the source of leaked information about a vast National Security Agency surveillance program signaled the start of a game of international diplomacy Monday.Edward Snowden, 29, faces a criminal investigation led by the Department of Justice - but is reportedly holed up in a hotel room in Hong Kong in an attempt to thwart moves to prosecute him.He told ...    

Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old American intelligence contractor, has revealed himself as the source who disclosed the U.S. government's secret phone and Internet surveillance programs. Some other famous leakers in recent history: Daniel Ellsberg: A military analyst, he passed the Pentagon Papers — a secret Defense Department study of U.S. involvement in Vietnam — on to The New York Times and other ...    

A former CIA employee who identified himself as the source of leaked information about a vast National Security Agency surveillance program was at the center of a game of international diplomacy Monday.Edward Snowden, 29, who works for defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, was holed up in a Hong Kong hotel room Monday after telling British newspaper, The Guardian, that he had exposed huge amount...