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Let’s say you’re asked to write a recipe for the most sensational murder trial of the year. It might go something like this:One charismatic victim.One smart, sexy defendant.A dash of religion. A large dollop of sex. Dozens of graphic photos. An unspeakable act of violence.Stir the ingredients well with a hyper-aggressive prosecutor, and spread all over cable TV and the World Wide Web.That’s the Jo...    

It took the prosecution five weeks to present their case against West Philly abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and it took defense attorney Jack McMahon a couple of hours to knock a big hole through a critical part of their argument.Three first-degree murder charges were dropped against Gosnell after McMahon argued that "there is not one piece...of objective, scientific evidence that anyone was ...    

Despite a widespread pattern of state legislatures attacking the voting rights of Americans, the Brennan Center for Justice shows, in a new report, that states have actually been much more likely in 2013 to seek to expand voting rights than to limit them.

The West, Texas, fertilizer plant, where a fire and explosion last week claimed at least 14 lives—including 11 firefighters and EMTs—and injured more than 200, was last inspected by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1985.

A faith-healing couple serving probation for the death of their 2-year-old son is in trouble once again after a second child died.The 8-month-old son of Herbert and Catherine Schaible, fundamentalist Christians who believe in the power of prayer ahead of modern medicine, died last week, according to Philadelphia Police spokeswoman Jillian Russell.The couple have been serving a 10-year probation se...