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Good morning, and happy Wednesday. Here are six of the top stories we are following this morning at NBC News:1. Satellites pick up 122 possible objects in Malaysian jet searchThe objects were discovered in the southern Indian Ocean not far from where other objects have been spotted.
The two teens who apparently committed suicide moments after the fatal shooting of a central Florida cop had every intention of evading police and possibly ending their lives, evidence suggests.
The Letter Carriers (NALC) have joined in the battle by the Postal Workers (APWU) to stop the U.S. Postal Service’s privatization of retail operations by contracting services to Staples with “postal counters” staffed with low-wage, high-turnover Staples employees rather than postal employees.
As the search continues for survivors of a deadly mudslide in Washington state, the first steps in helping those affected have already begun.Gov.
A retired lumber mill worker reportedly "took six breaths and calmed himself down" before digging his way to safety after his home was swept away by the deadly Washington mudslide.
It could take weeks, months or years for families of the dead and injured and other local residents to recover from the mile-wide mudslide that buried a rural Washington town under tons of mud and debris in one of the worst landslide disasters in U.S. history.
NEW YORK - An American Muslim who pleaded guilty to a New York state terrorism charge for attempting to make a pipe bomb was sentenced to 16 years in prison on Tuesday, the Manhattan District Attorney's office said.Jose Pimentel, a 29-year-old Dominican-born U.S.
Mya Migneault died of blunt force trauma to the abdomen, according to the Los Angeles County coroner’s office.
A Chicago law firm representing the families of passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines jet has taken the first step toward a potential multimillion dollar lawsuit against the airline and the aircraft's manufacturer.
Three weeks after asking on Facebook for help finding the woman who left her in the fast food restaurant's bathroom, Katheryn Deprill was reunited with her mom.