Feed items
Here are some headlines from the working families' news we're reading today (after the jump).
Colorado school suspends an 11-year-old they say violated dress code after she shaved her head to support a friend battling cancer. KUSA's Maya Rodriguez reports.
The FBI’s fatal shooting of a Chechen man with ties to Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarneav was justified – and the result of his sudden, physical outburst, a Florida prosecutor’s report said Tuesday.
LIVE VIDEO — Washington state officials hold a news conference to update the search through debris left by a mudslide that killed at least 14 people and demolished dozens of houses.
President Obama and the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte hold a joint news conference at the Gemeeentemuseum Den Haag in The Hague in the Netherlands.
Richard Wilson, a Walmart worker and OUR Walmart member from Chicago, sent the following email to working families' supporters yesterday:I’m 27 years old, I’m trying to finish my college degree and I work at Walmart.Sign the petition to tell Walmart it’s time to give workers like me a raise to a minimum of $25,000 a year.
A sailor and civilian are dead after a shooting at Naval Station in Norfolk, Va. on Monday Night. WAVY's Deanna LeBlanc reports.
With 176 people still missing in the wake of a mudslide in Washington on Saturday, an official believes the chances of finding many more survivors are remote.
Food costs more, according to a new report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which says prices are up 0.4 percent. NBC’s Kerry Sanders reports.
A gorilla got to hold her baby girl for the first time since she was delivered by C-section two weeks ago. The newborn has battled pneumonia and other health problems.