Feed items

The latest issue of Vogue magazine featuring Kim Kardashian and her fiancé, Kanye West, is stirring controversy. NBC’s Kristen Dahlgren reports.

A U.S. Navy plane that “can see something the size of a basketball” did not spot anything as it searched for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet on Monday, an official said.

There could be all kinds of reasons that Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint has declined an invitation from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to join him in a public forum on raising the minimum wage. Here’s what Trumka wrote in a letter to DeMint on March 11.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and ex-secretary of state Hillary Clinton will both appear at an education conference in Texas today. NBC News' Chuck Todd reports.

A pilot ditched his small plane in the Florida waters after having engine trouble Sunday. He escaped the crash uninjured.

New help is being brought in to contain a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Texas coast. NBC’s Janet Shamlian reports.

An engine fire false alarm on an American Airlines flight temporarily closed a runway at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Monday morning.

Here are some headlines from the working families' news we're reading today (after the jump).

Search planes spotted large pieces of debris in the Indian Ocean overnight that could be connected to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. NBC’s Tom Costello reports.

About 30 people suffered minor injuries this morning after a train derailed at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Anthony Ponce from NBC’s Chicago affiliate reports.