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The desperate felon accused of multiple carjackings during a dangerous pursuit with Colorado cops appeared before a judge Friday for the first time.
A Navy veteran who claimed to be the sailor kissing a nurse in the famous Alfred Eisenstadt photo taken in Times Square on V-J day has died.Glenn McDuffie's daughter said he died Sunday of natural causes. He was 86.
One of the most often-repeated arguments against government regulation of the economy is that regulation limits the free market and constrains growth and innovation. The idea is that if corporations and individuals do bad things, the market will punish them and they won't survive and thrive. The argument does have a simple logic to it. Too bad the real world isn't simple and the argument fails to account for what happens in the real world.
A kindergarten girl is believed missing after a bus left her at the wrong school. WNYT's Jessica Layton reports.
Evan Strong won the gold and led the Americans in a sweep of the first-ever Paralympics snowboard cross event.
Hundreds of people stand in line hoping for a potential job in Colorado's newly established pot industry.
What's more awkward than the color green? Nothing, at least according to these 11 photos of St. Patrick Day celebrations. Cheers!
Some observers have declared that the United States has reached a full recovery after the Great Recession because per capita GDP growth has rebounded to pre-recession levels. But in a thorough essay at the Economic Policy Institute, Josh Bivens argues that the logic is highly flawed and that we're far from a full recovery. He also provides several policy suggestions that would get us much closer to that elusive full recovery and on the path to raising wages.
The SXSW music festival continues after a drunk-driving crash killed two fans and injured many others. KXAN's Kevin Schwaller reports.
It's the chef's modern approach to the after-school snack that's been around since Ruth Wakefield first made one at the Toll House restaurant in the 1930s.