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A class-action lawsuit has been filed against McDonald's and the company's franchisees in three states, alleging various forms of wage theft at restaurants in California, Michigan and New York, Salon's Josh Eidelson reports. Among the accusations are stores not paying properly for overtime hours, workers being required to clean uniforms off the clock and employees being required to show up for work, but not allowed to clock in when business is slow.

The retired police captain accused of murdering a Navy veteran after complaining he was texting in a movie theater had just sent a text message from the cinema himself, new documents show.Curtis Reeves' son — a police officer who planned to meet his parents at the Wesley Chapel, Fla.

Residents of Lake Butler, Fla., are finding Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers attached to bags of candy. WTLV's Roger Weeder reports.

Everyone knows America has a hyper inequality problem. The six Walton family heirs who own Walmart have the same wealth as the bottom 42% of Americans.  In the latest data through 2011, researchers Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty show the top 1% of income earners in the U.S. get 20% of all the income.  Both the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD—the organization of the advanced industrialized democratic countries) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recognize that high levels of inequality hurt economic growth.  The question is: What do we do about the inequality?

Seven people were killed, more than 70 people were hurt and others are missing after two buildings collapsed.

Shaun White sends letter and gifts to a young fan who shares the same heart condition as him. KARE's Jana Shortal reports.

President Obama made it official today, telling the Department of Labor to begin to update overtime eligibility rules to restore overtime protection that salaried workers have lost to inflation since 1975. See our story from yesterday and read the White House fact sheet. While the Department of Labor will update overtime eligibility standards for inflation so law-abiding businesses will know who qualifies for overtime protection, many employers across the country are breaking the law and cheating their workers out of overtime pay.

Colin Powell shows that he was decades ahead of the curve when he posted a "selfie" from sixty years ago on Facebook on Thursday.(function(d, s, id){var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id)) return; js= d.createElement(s); js.id=id; js.src = '//connect.facebook.

Austin Police Department officials hold a news conference on the deadly car accident where a suspected drunken driver hit a crowd at South By Southwest at 11:30a.m. ET.

Quick thinking landscapers rush to save 12-year-old boy from a house fire in Arizona. KVOA's Matt Fernandez reports.