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A federal judge on Monday denied a stay of execution for a Missouri murderer who argued that the state is violating his rights with a last-minute, secrecy-shrouded switch of pharmacies for the lethal injection.

Last week in Arizona, the tea party-dominated legislature passed a bill that will allow businesses to slam their doors shut on anyone they say doing business with would violate their religious beliefs. While the bill was aimed primarily at the LGBTQ community, in effect, it could allow business owners to discriminate against anyone.Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has until Friday to sign or veto the bill. Call 888-968-2464 and urge Brewer to veto the bill.

President Obama and Vice President Biden deliver remarks to the National Governors Association at the State Dining Room of the White House.

It's hard enough to form a union without politicians and special interest groups interfering and using scare tactics. Which is exactly what happened in Chattanooga, Tenn., when Volkswagen workers narrowly voted against representation with UAW by 44 votes. 

It's the case of the smelly washing machines.The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from the makers of front-loading clothes washers who face class-action lawsuits, involving potentially millions of customers, that claim a design flaw causes a musty odor.

COMING UP — President Obama and Vice President Biden deliver remarks to the National Governors Association at the State Dining Room of the White House.

Kennedy was arrested in 2012 after she failed a sobriety test following an accident on highway near her home in Bedford, N.Y.

Here are some headlines from the working families news we're reading today (after the jump).

Firing the opening salvo in a bloody budget battle, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is set to recommend drastic cuts of billions of dollars that would take U.S military forces to levels not seen since before World War II.

Impasse. I-M-P-A-S-S-E. Impasse.That's what a spelling bee in Kansas City, Mo., came to over the weekend, when organizers ran out of words after 66 rounds without a winner.