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Maria von Trapp, the last surviving original member and second-eldest daughter of the musical family whose escape from Nazi-occupied Austria was the basis for "The Sound of Music," has died. She was 99.
Arizona's conservative governor may not sign a bill that would let businesses refuse to serve gay men and lesbians if it conflicts with their religious beliefs, she said Saturday.
New legislation allows business owners to refuse service to gay patrons based on religious beliefs.
New legislation allows business owners to refuse service to gay patrons based on religious beliefs.
A twin-engine aircraft trying to avoid another plane towing a glider across the runway crashed Saturday in Georgia, killing three people, authorities and witnesses said.The aircraft had arrived at the LaGrange Callaway Airport, 50 miles southwest of Atlanta, from Panama City, Fla.
Yale University says two undergraduate students were sexually assaulted at the same weekend party held at a fraternity house located outside of campus.Spokesman William Hathaway said on Saturday that the alleged incident occurred on Feb. 8 and he did not know if anyone has been arrested.
A Texas politician has roadkill on his platform — and wants it on residents’ plates.Tink Nathan is running against four others for a seat in the Texas House of Representatives, and while they’re all Republicans, Nathan has one very unique agenda: overturn the state’s law against collecting roadkill.
Police are investigating claims by two Yale students who say they were sexually assaulted while attending a fraternity party this month.
The NFL is hoping to implement a 15-yard penalty for anyone who uses racially-offensive language on the field.