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Common sense tells you don’t put a hazardous chemical storage facility on the banks of a river, a little more than mile upstream from a drinking water intake that serves more than 300,000 people downstream. So should the law.
A majority of Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical Wednesday of a Massachusetts law that establishes a 35-foot buffer zone to prevent protests outside clinics that provide abortions — a restriction the protesters say violates the First Amendment.
A white suburban Detroit homeowner will face trial in June on a second-degree murder charge that he shot to death an unarmed young black woman who knocked on his door seeking help early one November morning, a judge ruled on Wednesday.
Here are some headlines from the working families news we're reading today (after the jump).
On a telephone press conference, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said he was optimistic about 2014 and that the United States was going to create good jobs and a good base for future prosperity. He said he hopes that when Barack Obama gives his State of the Union address in two weeks, the president will borrow a few lines from a speech Trumka is giving today at the U.N. Summit on Climate Change, in particular, from this section of the speech he's giving to business leaders, politicians, global allies and community groups (after the jump).
Last night AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released the following statement responding to the Senate GOP's failure to support an extension of the emergency unemployment benefits (after the jump).
A student saw “blood everywhere” after a shooting at a New Mexico middle school gymnasium Tuesday that ended when social studies teacher talked a 12-year-old suspect into putting down the weapon.
This story is part of a week-long series on women and the economy based on "The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink."Plenty of pundits have idiosyncratic ways of prepping for a big speech.
A woman held captive for six months by a former boyfriend who threatened to kill her if she tried to escape was rescued from a Nevada motel after writing about her plight on Facebook, police said Tuesday.
A group of senators on Monday sharply criticized a comedy bit during the Sunday broadcast of the Golden Globes that featured "Seinfeld" star Julia Louis-Dreyfus puffing on an electronic cigarette, accusing the glitzy awards show of "glamorizing" the controversial devices.