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Today in several state capitals and Wednesday afternoon on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., immigration advocates, working families, civil rights and faith activists will urge Republican House members to allow a vote on the recently passed Senate immigration reform bill that includes a road map to citizenship.
This past July 4th our nation celebrated its independence as many working families gathered to watch parades and fireworks that celebrate a country predicated on endless opportunity. For centuries, people have flocked to America, where we dream that no matter the circumstances of birth, anyone can work hard and achieve a better life.
What kind of movement do working people need to build a better future? What changes should labor make? Those are some of the questions I posed to you two months ago—and Daily Kos readers and progressives everywhere have offered all kinds of ideas. We’d like to hear more—even your off-the-wall ideas. Please share your thoughts by commenting on this post or go to AFLCIO2013.org. We’re still listening. Already, at in-person gatherings as well as online, we’ve heard from more than 5,600 people—union members, activists, allies, academics and others.
AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker and United Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts were among 30 arrested at a rally in West Virginia Tuesday while protesting Patriot Coal's attempts to abandon its commitments to retirees, most of whom worked for Peabody Energy and Arch Coal before those companies created Patriot. Roberts and others say Patriot specifically was created to fail so the original companies could eliminate retiree health care and pension costs.
The government St. Lucia has closed schools and urged people to stay indoors until fast-moving Tropical Storm Chantal has passed.
When payday rolls around, more and more workers aren’t getting paper paychecks or direct deposits to their checking accounts, but instead are finding their wages on prepaid cards.The new trend—especially prevalent in low-wage industries—saves the employer money, and means big (and mostly unregulated) profits for the banks and financial institutions that issue the cards. It also eats big chunks of the workers’ pay though a bevy of fees they must pay to access their accounts.
The New York Police Department is releasing harmless gases into the city's subway system during the morning rush beginning Tuesday to study how chemical weapons could be dispersed through the air.
Three Cleveland women who escaped in May after about a decade of captivity appeared in a video posted to YouTube thanking people for their help.