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Nineteen Hotshot firefighters in Arizona died in a massive forest blaze this week, leaving behind family, friends and many questions about what went wrong.

The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has released a lot of important research about the economy in the last few weeks.  Here's a look at some of the key pieces it uncovered about the U.S. economy.

As legislators in Texas prepare a last-ditch effort to pass a controversial abortion bill, senators in North Carolina convened for a surprise vote to add more restrictions to abortions in the state.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released the following statement on the announcement the administration is delaying employer responsibility assessments in the Affordable Care Act until 2015: (see statement after the jump). 

In case you missed it, the New York Times published two articles last weekend that captured the dramatic disparity between workers’ wages and executive pay at large corporations across the country.  While median working family incomes fell last year, median CEO and executive compensation skyrocketed and lucrative executive retirement packages continued to expand.  These lucrative plans, known as “Golden Parachutes,” have increased despite years of public outcry as companies have chipped away at workers’ pensions and retirement plans.  At the same time, a coalition of CEOs and corporations are advocating cuts to earned Social Security and Medicare benefits as they rake in lavish retirement and bonus packages.

Rhode Island appears set to become the third state to require paid family leave for private employees after the State House approved the legislation on Tuesday.  The bill passed the Senate several days ago.  The Senate has to approve a technical change in the House bill and then the legislation goes on to Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D), who is expected to sign it.