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The Economic Policy Institute recently launched Inequality.is, designed to help people understand and take action to fight the problem with growing inequality in the United States and to learn about the devastating effects this problem has on working families. The site, which is beautifully animated, contains a wealth of easy-to-understand information that helps people get a handle on the issue and explain it to their friends, family and co-workers.
Self-identified NSA leaker Edward Snowden remained beyond the reach of American efforts to extradite him on Tuesday, placing a strain on U.S. relations with China, Ecuador, and Russia, where irate officials claimed they had nothing to do with him.“We do not have anything to do with either Mr. Snowden or his relations with the U.S. justice system or his travels around the world. He decided on his i...
Today is the 75th anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that set into law a guaranteed minimum wage, established the 40-hour workweek and overtime pay for more than 40 hours, outlawed child labor and set other important employment standards.Later this morning, the Obama White House will host a celebration of the FLSA with Vice President Joe Biden and a roundtable with workers. The event will be live-streamed beginning at 11 a.m. EDT at www.whitehouse.gov/live.
On Saturday, June 29, the Utah AFL-CIO will be hosting Utah Unions and You, a great event bringing together local labor and community members to explain to the general public what unions are, how they affect all working people and how to become part of the union movement. Union members will be grilling up free food and sharing information about union apprenticeship programs and community service.
It's the dangerous new way teens are getting drunk -- and it's going viral. Now doctors say it could be deadly.It's called "smoking alcohol." You don't drink the booze, you inhale it. Sounds bizarre, but those vapors give you an instant high.Here's the problem: Doctors say it's incredibly , dangerous and can be extremely addictive. Pure alcohol shooting into your brain. Doctors are issuing an urge...