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Twenty-six families huddled in the firehouse down the road from Sandy Hook Elementary on Dec. 14, waiting for reunions that would never come.In the blur of so many anxious faces, Erica Lafferty would later realize there was only one she remembered — Carlee Soto."I've been having flashbacks from that day, and she's the only one, except for my family, that I can clearly see," Lafferty said.Six month...    

According to an analysis by Think Progress, the Geismar, La., petrochemical plant that exploded on Thursday has not been inspected by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) since 1993. The blast at the Williams Companies Inc.'s olefins plant killed one person and injured 73. 

A top commander of a Nazi SS-led unit accused of burning villages filled with women and children lied to American immigration officials to get into the United States and has been living in Minnesota since shortly after World War II, according to evidence uncovered by The Associated Press. Michael Karkoc, 94, told American authorities in 1949 that he had performed no military service during World W...    

This week, a California worker center that organizes domestic workers and immigrant women, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, affiliated with the San Francisco Labor Council as part of a growing partnership effort by the labor movement and the larger worker rights’ movement to strengthen advocacy and mobilization efforts for day laborers, domestic workers and all working people.