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Google Tuesday asked the FBI and the U.S. Attorney General's office for permission to publish the total number of national security information requests made by the government, arguing that the figures would prove the company does not give the government "unfettered access" to its users' data. The Internet company has come under scrutiny following disclosures in The Guardian and Washington Post ne...
The FBI has dramatically increased its use of a controversial provision of the Patriot Act to secretly obtain a vast store of business records of U.S. citizens under President Barack Obama, according to recent Justice Department reports to Congress. The bureau filed 212 requests for such data to a national security court last year – a 1,000-percent increase from the number of such requests four ye...
For Booz Allen Hamilton, protecting government secrets is also a matter of protecting billions of dollars in business.So when Edward Snowden, who had worked at the strategy and consulting firm less than three months, leaked the details of massive government surveillance programs, it presented not just a security debate for the country but a public relations problem for the company.Booz Allen, whic...
A new analysis from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) of the latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows that there was a decline in April for job openings to a total of 3.8 million, while the number of unemployed workers seeking jobs was around 11.7 million. April's level of job openings is more than 16% below where it was in the months before the recession began.
The self-identified source who leaked documents to The Guardian and The Washington Post regarding top-secret government surveillance programs may face limited options if he is charged and the United States tries to extradite him.Edward Snowden, 29, has been called a hero and a traitor since his name became attached to the high-profile disclosure of classified documents to reporters. A three-month ...
The U.S. Senate today voted 82-15 to begin debate on the Gang of Eight's immigration bill, The Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, after Republicans failed to muster a filibuster. The legislation provides a road map to citizenship for aspiring Americans.