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Brace yourself Florida, there is a “vampire” in your midst -- and this one is not afraid of the sun. The giant psorophora ciliata mosquito, which is colloquially known as the gallinipper and is 20 times the size of your average mosquito, is set to plague south and central Florida this summer as the rainy season begins. While these monsters don’t carry diseases, their intense bite can feel like a k...    

This week, working families are calling 27 U.S. senators and urging them to vote for an immigration reform bill that provides a reliable road map to citizenship for more than 11 million aspiring Americans. The bill is expected to reach the floor of the Senate this week, and the labor movement is ramping up its national campaign in support of the bill through phone calls, Internet advertisements and by having more than 50 leaders and allies from 24 states fly to Washington, D.C., to lobby elected officials on Wednesday, the first full day of Senate debate.

Does your boss switch your schedule at the last minute without warning? Not ask for your input? Working America, AFL-CIO's community affiliate, launched an interactive web tool for workers who don't have union representation to help them with job-related problems and guidance and solutions for dealing with those concerns. The site, Fix My Job, is part of a collaboration with AFL-CIO's Organizing Department and includes resources from organizers, workplace experts and specialists, as well as more advanced step-by-step instruction, tasks and tactics.