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Heather Surovik was eight months pregnant when a drunk driver smacked into her car on a summer afternoon on the outskirts of Denver. A 27-year-old preschool teacher at the time, she was expecting to give birth within days, in July 2012, to a boy she called Brady. "I survived," she said.
The corruption case against former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, the city's chief executive when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, was in the hands of jurors Monday after prosecutors said they had presented evidence of a "mayor on the take.
The former captain of a the HMS Bounty, a replica three-masted sailing ship that sank off North Carolina during Hurricane Sandy, is likely to blame for the wreck, federal investigators said Monday.
The judge overseeing the case of James Holmes — the young man accused of massacring 12 movie-goers at a premier of a Batman movie in Colorado last year — will allow prosecutors to present cell phone records as evidence at trial, court document released Monday show.
The former captain of a the HMS Bounty, a replica three-masted sailing ship that sank off North Carolina during Hurricane Sandy, is likely to blame for the wreck, federal investigators said Monday.
When a group equal to one-fifth the population of the state capitol shows up to protest your policies, you're in trouble. Between 80,000-100,000 people showed up at the Moral March on Raleigh Saturday, the state capitol with about 420,000 residents. The marchers, which included working families and their allies from around the state and more than 30 other states. A related rally a year ago attracted 15,000 participants. It's clear that more North Carolinians are becoming upset with the extreme agenda of Gov. Pat McCrory (R) and his allies in the legislature.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama took to Twitter on Monday to voice their support of Michael Sam, the gay college football star who came out on Sunday.
Michael Sam's father said Monday he had no idea his football-star son was gay until he got a text from him on his birthday last week.