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Michael Sam's University of Missouri teammates and other sports stars rallied around the All-American defensive lineman after he revealed to the world that he's gay.The 6-foot-2, 260-pound senior is poised to become the first openly gay player in NFL history following May's draft.
A University of Missouri star projected to be drafted into the NFL looks set to become the first publicly gay pro football player.
Here are some headlines from the working families news we're reading today (after the jump).
Millions of unemployed and underemployed college graduates are learning the hard truth that a degree does not guarantee a job. “Coupled with the extraordinary spike in college tuition, the flagging economy that welcomed Millennials into the workforce means that not only are our young people graduating with far fewer opportunities for high-paying jobs, but they are coming out of college with mountains of debt,” writes Leslie Tolf, president of Union Privilege, in The Huffington Post. That’s why it’s important that young people understand the value unions have had in building our nation and still have today.
This shouldn’t shock anyone: America has a jobs crisis and it’s taking a serious toll on young workers. Battered and bruised by an economy that hasn’t recovered from the Wall Street recession, nearly 16% of workers younger than 25 remain out of work, roughly 1 in 5 Americans between 25 and 34 are neither working nor attending school and half of recent college graduates are working jobs that don't require a college degree.