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Prosecutors have rested their case in the trial of a middle-aged white Florida man charged with killing a black teenager after a dispute over loud music outside a convenience store.
In the latest installment of a regular Monday series, StandUpToALEC.org is highlighting the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its agenda on education. ALEC pursues an extreme corporate agenda in state legislatures, directly attacking the rights of working families. In the recent decades the organization has been operating, they have had successes in rolling back the rights of America's workers on a variety of issues. In the past few years, though, broad efforts have been made to push back against the ALEC agenda and while there have been a lot of victories, more work needs to be done. Raising awareness about the organization is a big part of that, and Mondays with ALEC is an effort toward that goal.
Peacock Productions workers are heading to NBC's headquarters, "30 Rock," this week to deliver petitions to MSNBC hosts, including Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, the Rev. Al Sharpton and Lawrence O'Donnell, asking them to meet with the workers and stand with the workers who are seeking union representation on the job.
The city of Detroit will file a plan next week outlining how it will emerge from bankruptcy, just days before a March 1 deadline. The disclosure was made Monday by attorney Bruce Bennett during a hearing in the case, the largest muncipal bankruptcty in U.S. history.
The relentess winter of 2014 has taken a toll on everything from airlines and road budgets to vineyards and livestock.Now school districts are scrambling to figure out how to make up classes lost due to the cold and snow.
First Lady Michelle Obama took to Twitter on Monday to voice her support of Michael Sam, the gay college football star who came out on Sunday.
In our new regular weekly feature, we'll be taking a look at the winners and losers of the week in the struggle for the rights of working families. The winner will be the person or organization that goes above and beyond to expand or protect the rights of working families, while the loser will be whoever went above and beyond to limit or deny those rights.